Friday, June 11, 2010

Flying Dreams

Last night I had a dream I was flying, so I looked it up to see what it could mean.

It seems flying dreams can be interpreted in a number of ways, but in general it can be seen as your spirit rising high , freed from limitations and boundaries.

A dream in which you fly suggests that your mind is reaching for new heights .The flying dream often happens when there is advancement in your life or can indicate optimism about your future.

In order to understand the possible meaning, you must look at all the factors of the dreams. How high were you flying? Was it easy to fly or turbulent?

In my dream I was flying easily, the sky was blue and I felt exhilaration. According to the information I found it suggests that I am on top of a situation. I have risen above something. It may also mean that I have gained a different perspective on things. Flying dreams and the ability to control your flight is representative of your own personal sense of power.

I hope I fly again soon as it was the first time and just incredible!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Blog


Grandmother Elspeth now has a blog set up.It is still in development but well on its way.Please visit and make her feel welcome to this new media.
Grandmother Elspeth's Blog

What would you like to see on her blog?

Bright Blessings